Saturday 23 March 2013

Hello fellow Scotstoun Dwellers,
Unfortunately due to the very cold weather we have had to cancel tomorrow's clean up on Sunday the 24th March. We will be arranging one again very soon and hopefully the weather will be better next time. In the meantime if you could complete our survey monkey at that would be very helpful.
All the best Ingrid, Al and Janet.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Survey update - share your thoughts....

as its been a while since a community consultation was carried out on the Scotstoun Hidden Garden we are using the Community Clear-up as an opportunity to update the survey. Neil from the local Dumbarton Road Environment Trust has kindly put an updated simple and quick survey for people to fill in online at
Please fill this in to note your thoughts on the space and if you prefer there will be paper copies to complete on Sunday 24th March when we have our Clear-up day. All thoughts and suggestions welcome. I am thinking Summer Barbecue and Treasure hunt would be fun!?

Monday 4 March 2013

Here are some recent photos of our lovely hidden garden at Scotsoun. Some of the spring flower are starting to come out and the space is alive with bird song. We are planning to hold a one day community clean-up on Sunday 24th of March to pick up litter, tidy up old undergrowth and generally have a get together and get excited about this beautiful hidden space! Please join us for a cup of tea and some healthy outdoor activity. We plan to start at 10.30am and finish about 3pm but even half an hour of your time would be appreciated! We will post some pics of the event and info about our survey soon

Ingrid, Al and Janet on behalf of the Scotstoun Hidden Garden Committee.